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Solomon Airlines discounts holidays for the vaccinated

Posted on October 18, 2021 at 08:00 AM in General News

Solomon Airlines has announced new discounts for COVID-19 vaccinated passengers. The holiday discounts are part of the Solomon Islands Chamber of Commerce and Industry’s (SICCI) “Bisnis for Vaccines” campaign and are supported by the Australian Government initiative, Strongim Bisnis.

The new holiday discounts will apply to ‘Iumi Tugeda Holidays’ packages purchased by any Solomon Islander or Solomon Islands permanent resident who can show proof of their COVID-19 vaccination.

A 20 percent discount will be applied to bookings of Iumi Tugeda Holidays packages, where all eligible travellers have received their first vaccination during or after 15 October 2021. A 10 percent discount will apply if only some of those travellers are vaccinated.

In addition, a 10 percent discount will be given to those Iumi Tugeda Holidays travellers who received their first vaccination before 15 October 2021, or are making their second Iumi Tugeda Holidays booking since the start of the promotion.

Discounted bookings can be made by calling Solomon Airlines on (677) 36362 or emailing [email protected]. Proof of a COVID-19 vaccination must be shown when paying.

Solomon Airlines Manager Commercial, Colin Sigimanu said “We are proud supporters of vaccination efforts in our country to protect our communities, and this has not changed with the current COVID-19 pandemic. Vaccination is critical to being able to open our national borders to international visitors again, and so that our economy, tourism, and international trade can recover.”

“The discounts available through our Iumi Tugeda Holidays program provide an extra incentive to reward those who support this national effort. Without this momentum, many businesses, especially in our tourism sector will struggle to survive. This latest offer provides a twofold benefit, as we increase support for the Iumi Tugeda Holidays program, we support more local operators and also the momentum towards ensuring their future”, he said.

The announcement of Solomon Airlines discounts coincided with the return of its A320 aircraft. The aircraft completed an extensive maintenance C-check, which ensures the aircraft is in good operating condition. The announcement also coincided with SICCI’s third ‘Bisnis for Vaccines’ prize draw. This prize draw is available to all Solomon Islanders and permanent residents who received their first COVID-19 vaccination during or after September 2021.

SICCI’s prize draw was also supported by the Australian Government initiative, Strongim Bisnis. Australian High Commission First Secretary for Economic Growth, Louisa Macdonald Hall, said “Australia stands side by side with the Solomon Islands Government in its efforts to achieve an 80% vaccination target. Supporting SICCI’s ‘Bisnis for Vaccines’ campaign is one of the ways we can contribute towards that goal while helping Solomon Islands businesses during challenging economic times.”

There are still two remaining Iumi Tugeda Holidays available for vaccinated people to win. To enter, visit SICCI’s Facebook page. The next winner will be drawn on 29 October 2021.

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