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Solomon Airlines wraps the 2023 Peace Marathon congratulating winners

Posted on October 02, 2023 at 12:00 PM in General News

The Solomon Airlines Peace Marathon has continued to attract some of the country’s top runners as well as amateur runners of all ages. The major event wrapped up on Friday 29th September with Solomon Airlines congratulating winners and sponsors at a cocktail celebration event at Heritage Park Hotel.

“The Peace marathon is a key annual event in our country’s calendar and has been another resounding success this year,” said Solomon Airlines Acting CEO Napoleon Padabela.

“Many of our country’s  top athletes were joined by social runners including boys, girls, mothers, fathers, both locals and expats, plus the support of friends, spectators and event volunteers, creating another exciting event,” he said.

“On behalf of the Board Management and staff of Solomon Airlines we express our sincere appreciation to everyone – the runners, our valued sponsors and the tremendous support of the CEO of the GOC Mr Peter Stewart and his team,” Mr Padabela added.

The biggest ever Peace Marathon was also proudly supported by 55 volunteers provided by the Pacific Games Organising Committee to support the smooth-running of event logistics and as a test run in preparation for the Pacific Games.

“As Solomon Islands prepares for the South Pacific Games in 2023 in Honiara, the marathon has provided an ideal opportunity for us all, especially leading athletes to meet, compete and build confidence as part of preparation for the games,” Mr Padabela said.

“At Solomon Alrlines, we are tremendously proud to be both the Platinum, naming rights sponsor of the Peace Marathon as well as being the presenting sponsor for the 2023 Pacific Games,” he said.

“We also express our sincere appreciation to our partner sponsors.

“Despite our pressing commitments towards the Pacific Games, I’m proud that together we have maintained the same levels of Peace Marathon prizes awarded in previous years. We could not have done that without the generous support of our partners,” he said.

This year’s marathon also raised funds for Charity Project, “LAEFLAEN” – Wings of Change. an initiative to raise funds for the Pikinini Referral Clinic at China Town and the SIRC School of Children with Special Needs at Riffle Range, West Honiara.

Solomon Airlines management hosted a cocktail celebration to acknowledged sponsors, Pacific Sol2023 Games representatives and volunteers, and charity representatives at The Heritage Park Hotel on the evening of 29 September.

The 2023 Solomon Airlines Peace Marathon winners and participating sponsors were as follows:

Full Marathon:


  • 1st Place Prize - SBD$3000 & Gold Medal won by Andrew Kukuti
  • 2nd Place Prize - SBD$2500 & Silver Medal won by William Runa
  • 3rd Place Prize - SBD$2000 + Bronze Medal won by Tazman Bain

Half Marathon:


  • 1st Place Prize - SBD$2500 & Gold Medal won by Kenson Taro
  • 2nd Place Prize - SBD$2000 & Silver Medal won by Thomas Fitzpatrick
  • 3rd Place Prize - SBD$1500+ Bronze Medal won by Lenny Namoka


  • 1st Place Prize - SBD$2500 & Gold Medal won by William Runa
  • 2nd Place Prize - SBD$2000 & Silver Medal won by Joylyn. T
  • 3rd Place Prize - SBD$1500+ Bronze Medal won by Philistus Folia

10Km Run

  • First Place Prize SBD$1000 + Gold Medal
  • Second Place Prize SBD$800 + Silver Medal
  • Third Place Prize SBD500 + Bronze Medal


  • 1st Place won by Edmond. D (0399)
  • 2nd Place won by Stebhert . R (0232)
  • 3rd Place won by George Tarui


  • 1st Place won by Linda Keo
  • 2nd Place won by Freda (0305)
  • 3rd Place won by Britany Vani

2023 Sponsors:

  • Gold: Sol2023 Pacific Games and South Pacific Oil and Solrais Company
  • Silver Sponsor: Tourism Solomons and Solomon Power
  • Bronze Sponsor: SIBC, BSP, Australia High Commission and Solbrew Ltd 
  • Supporting Sponsors: Heritage Park Hotel, Soltuna , bmobile, Blue Water, Tea Master, Solomon Rugby, Skybus Travel and Tours, Delite and St John Ambulance

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